
Bewertungen über cesarskieogrody.pl/en


1 487bewertungen

The hotel with its quiet park, yet central location (only 600 meters from the seaside promenade), with its almost 100 years of history, carefully restored under the supervision of a historical conservator, the only such facility in Świnoujście, is at your disposal. An unforgettable stay awaits all guests who cross the doorstep of our facility in the heart of Świnoujście, in a hotel filled with a magical atmosphere.

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Bewertungen über cesarskieogrody.pl/en


1 487bewertungen

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  • cesarskieogrody.pl/en

The hotel with its quiet park, yet central location (only 600 meters from the seaside promenade), with its almost 100 years of history, carefully restored under the supervision of a historical conservator, the only such facility in Świnoujście, is at your disposal. An unforgettable stay awaits all guests who cross the doorstep of our facility in the heart of Świnoujście, in a hotel filled with a magical atmosphere.

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