
Bewertungen über hotelsenator.pl/en


4 100bewertungen

Barely 100 m away from the beach, lots of attractions for children and adults, a luxurious SPA Zone and a modern conference centre - all of this awaits you at the Senator Hotel in Dźwirzyno. A large object but with a very intimate atmosphere and security of the whole family. Check us out!

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Bewertungen über hotelsenator.pl/en


4 100bewertungen

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  • hotelsenator.pl/en

Barely 100 m away from the beach, lots of attractions for children and adults, a luxurious SPA Zone and a modern conference centre - all of this awaits you at the Senator Hotel in Dźwirzyno. A large object but with a very intimate atmosphere and security of the whole family. Check us out!

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